Wazzasoft’s Monsters

Wazzasoft’s Monsters


Revision: 0.0.1

Written by: Hide Hirofumi

Special thanks to Dan Remes

Otherwise this would not have happened


Standard Remes License


Theme / Setting / Genre

Core Gameplay Mechanics Brief

Targeted platforms

Monetization model (Brief/Document)

Project Scope

Influences (Brief)

The Elevator Pitch

Project Description (Brief)

Project Description (Detailed)

What sets this project apart?

Core Gameplay Mechanics (Detailed)

Story and Gameplay

Story (Brief)

Story (Detailed)

Gameplay (Brief)

Gameplay (Detailed)

Assets Needed







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Imagine if the early Pokemon games went 3D on the N64. Now imagine if the core concepts of Pokemon were more fleshed out, allowing you to do so much more with your pokemon than just store them away.

A game set on an island isolated in the mid pacific, full of interesting creatures to capture and raise. Many places to go and things to do are present on the island, such hidden paths and abandoned buildings. There are many problems to be solved on the island and rewards to be gained. There is also a loose conglomerate of battlers ready for a fight.

You take the role of an amnesiac Ping, who awakes into a strange island full of mysterious creatures. You are tasked with documenting these creatures, raising them, and training them to battle. You explore this world with a partner creature and 5 more in reserve. You can use these creatures to break boulders, cut trees, climb cliffs, dig tunnels, glide gaps and light the dark. You set out from city to city and meet the residents, help them, and battle those who are seeking a fight. You gain the respect of the top battlers and get a badge as a symbol of your triumph. You also start to uncover a criminal plot and an evil dynasty seeking to exploit the nigh unlimited potential of the creatures. Finally, a meteor rests at the center of the island. Could this be the reason for the strange creatures?

What sets this project apart?